When changing places, there are many things that change: languages, physical characteristics of people, dressing styles, the side of the road where cars drive, body language, etc. Choose something and I am sure it changes somehow. Some things are very easy to tell, others require some time, and, some, you may only see them if somebody tells you or you "crash" right into them.
For instance, when living in the United States, I began to think that one thing they love, or have been forced to love, you never know, is to have many options when shopping. It can go from notebooks to food. I guess it's a product of abundance, but I couldn't help being surprised by how many things one can choose when ordering a simple dish or a sandwich at Subway. I remember the funny scene in a restaurant in Maine, when family came to the continent, where a very kind and nice waitress kept on reciting how many different kinds of potatoes they had that day: boiled, fried, mashed, etc. At home, we have many options, true, but not so many.
That's why it's surprising to find here in Taiwan places that only have one dish: be it a dumpling soup or some dessert made from tofu and very curious fruits, or whatever. That's it, don't look for anything else. Take it or get out. These places are usually very simple, but it is very easy to order. At most, you can order another round. To tell the truth, not very american at all.
2 days ago
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