06 June 2008


I finally got my ADSL connexion at home. What a complicated story. The application process through the ASIAA was difficult enough (filling forms in Chinese, trying to find out what had to be done, etc), only to discover that I couldn't do it, it had to be my landlady. A week passed with this until the secretary asked her to do it. Misunderstandings and what else.

The technician came yesterday. I was told that they would do it in the afternoon, but there was not any definite time. Bad. But opposite to what happened to me in Madrid a couple of times, I didn't wait too long: a couple of hours. The problems came later, the technician looked very confused with my Linux laptop, and didn't remember to call my ISP so that they could give me permission to connect. A funny situation, he didn't understand English, I don't understand Chinese, he was making me talk to people on the phone that could more or less speak English and tried to help me. Communication breakdown. But, fortunately, I managed to understand who I was talking to and little by little we solved the problem. It's working. I hope it lasts.

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