Now it is done. One thing less!. I got the keys to the apartment I found on Wednesday this afternoon. Of course, after paying one month rent and two-month diposit, this is not free. All in all, it would not be too much money in Barcelona —when I rented my apartment in Madrid, I had to pay 4 or 5 times more money for the rent, guarantee and bank comissions— but just having arrived to a foreign country, it has meant a couple of nervous days before I could be sure that I would have enought money (thanks to the help from the ASIAA front office).
The flat seems like a mansion, from what I have seen, but it is almost completely furnished. I only had to buy a mattress. I could even look for a roommate if I wanted to get some profit from the extra room. The best thing about it is that it is less than a 15-minute walk from work, near the MRT, and with many buses just there. Now I must begin the fascinating adventure of exploring the neighborhood to see what kind of shops there are and how to do some shopping.
What is fun and a little worrying at the same time is signing a lease agreement, in which I cannot understand anything. I have been lucky that a secretary from the ASIAA has been helping me in searching for an apartment and becoming my personal negotiator. Yes, she was explaining what was in the documents, but the truth is that I have to trust her o it would be even worse, wouldn't it?. Another curious fact: it was my birthday when I signed my lease in Madrid, and today it is my father's birthday, It looks as if it was planned, haha.
Two images I took from GoogleEarth showing the location of the apartment (Casa means home):

Impressive. Today, it was a day of Sun and heat. It was getting cloudy in the afternoon, and a fast shower fell right now. They really did tell me that I should carry an umbrella all the time.
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