17 July 2008


How was that saying about getting up early and God would help you?. Today, I think it was the day I was leaving the earliest to go to work and what a shower fell when I had just walked for three or four minutes. It lasted only two minutes, enough to get soaked if you did not have any umbrella or no porches were around. I had both, fortunately. Afterwards, there was only a very fine drizzle.

Right now, 20 minutes after that, I see through my window that it does not rain anymore and that the Sun shines again. We were told yesterday that a tropical storm (Kalmaegi) is approaching, although it has not been designated a typhoon yet. Anyway, I guess that the beautiful days, with blue skies, a shining Sun and white clouds, we had recently are coming to an end. Even if it's very warm, and I know some people do not like this kind of days, I love them. I feel much better with blue skies than with grey ones.

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