I have made quite a few posts with pictures showing things, buildings, people that are in Taiwan. There is one picture I haven't taken yet though, and I am sure that it is something curious for western eyes. I talking abou the monks, possibly bhuddists, that walk around the streets. It's not full of them, but you can see them quite often, men and women, with the brown or grey robes, very short hair or no hair at all, begging or walking; in the MRT, talking, laughing, coming back from shopping, doing anything. It wouldn't be too hard to take the picture, probably, but it would have been in not very respectful circumstances up to now or too much like common unpleasant tourists.
Talking about that, there is a king of meditation center five minutes from my apartment, where you can see many women in the evening —I guess men must be there at some other time—, in a big hall that faces the street, kneeling, sitting, singing or reading from a book that they have in front of then. It is a very curious palce, with a wooden floor and many little statues, bhuddas or little gods, in many and different positions all allong the wall. All the women wear the same kind of robes, similar to the ones the monks carry, but I have seen different colors in different days. There are two statues of two elephants at both sides of the door of this place. The funny thing is that one of the doors opens to a corridor leading to a supermarket entrance. Welcome to Taiwan.
2 days ago
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