It was also a chance to see a meeting were I was the only westerner. When moving through the worlds of Astronomy, you get used to see all kinds of odd people, and it is not really surprising to meet stuck-up, anti-social or simply unpleasant or rude people. Most of the asian people in other meetings seem to be in a secondary plane, if they do not have a name. I am sure that there are many misunderstandings between the East and the West, when it is only due to a mix of cultural shyness and limited abilities using English. I could see in this meeting how, in general because not all were like that, people were shy at first, but as they gradually knew each other better, more and more people were getting together and better vibes were spreading around, inside and outside the meeting room (of course, the nights spent drinking beer and playing games helped a lot). In fact, and taking into account the age difference between most of them and me, but then I go back to other times, I don't think I have ever seen a better atmosphere in a meeting like this.
I have been thinking about that for weeks now, and I am beginning to reach the conclusion that it's not that people here are less strange (I mean, scientists), but their kindness is more obvious and things are more pleasant, even in some uncomfortable situations. I don't know, I need more time to observe it before I can make up my mind about it.
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