Maybe that is why I remembered a thought that crossed my mind a couple of weeks ago, and then I thought that it was coming really early. Put in a simple way: there comes a day, when you are like me in a faraway place from which you know you will leave relatively soon, that you look around, to the places that you walk by almost every day, and realize that you will leave one day and you will probably never see them again. Then, I usually feel a mix of nostalgia (of the future) and disbelief at the possibility of such a thing like that ever happening. I began having that feeling in Columbus maybe six or seven months before my stay would finish, that is why I was so surprised of thinking about it so soon.
That can also be applied to the people you meet, but that is a completely different story. There are more chances to see each other again, but, at the same time, distance can be harder too.
Don't worry, it was a fleeting thought that has not come back... yet.

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