We had the visit of another typhoon, Jangmi, this week-end. They are popping up everywhere lately, almost at a rate of one per week, but not all of them reach Taiwan —I saw right now that there is one approaching Vietnam. This time, specially yesterday, the wind was much stronger at home and the rain did not stop at all. I think there was some influence from the monsoon more to the Southwest too. So we have had three days of non-stop rain.
The typhoon touched ground last evening and it apparently was lost in the (tall) taiwanese mountains. It is very curious to see in the radar images all the turns it made until it found the other coast and left. As a result, the government decreed a day off for schools and official places, and I think also for banks and other offices. So, I stayed at home, but the weather was not so bad as yesterday. It was still raining, but without any wind.
This is what they call Typhoon Day: a holiday because of the forecast of very bad weather. I am sure there are people that really look forward to it. It is my first one. I missed the previous one, because I was in China. Some people would say that I missed a holiday.
2 days ago
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