The talk was for high-school students that had been the whole day doing several activities. Even if their English was fairly good, from what I could hear, one of the PhD students was translating or summarizing what I was saying. That made the talk proceed very slowly, but maybe it was better for them. Taking into account that I had not had much rest the night before, the talk went really well. The students seemed to be very interested and attentive, and they asked me many questions, which doesn't seem to be so usual. Well, maybe the selection of pictures I had made was interesting enough.
After that, the real Open House started. They had installed four telescopes in the building's roof and there was also free access to the dome that holds the 45-cm reflector. I didn't stay too long, because I was very tired, but I could see many people going up, with the ever present young astronomy fans that want to know about and look at everything.

After all the work of several weeks, I believe that the organizers can be very happy. There is another typhoon nearby and we have had nice days lately again. At least, you could see Jupiter and three of the galilean satellites very well yesterday. That's no small feat for Taipei's night sky.
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