26 April 2009

Talk at NTHU

Last Friday was a very tiring day. I spent the early morning hours, until five in the morning, doing some remote observations —not the ones that I had planned to do; a little disaster in fact, because I did not check a basic thing, but once the dates were set there was not any other solution—; sleep four hours and get up to take the bus to go to Hsinchu, to Tsing Hua University to give a talk in the afternoon. After that, go back to Taipei, because I had another night of observations. I slept a lot yesterday.

But I am not complaining. The talk was fine, even if I have done better ones. I had a very nice coffe after the talk with some of the people there, the day was beautiful, and I could see a little bit of nature out of the cities. Very impressive, the white flowers in some of the trees of the forests I saw from the bus, which, from the distance, seemed to alternate between dark green and whitish green colors; it looked as if there was snow on the hills. Thanks to that, because the buildings along the way are not really pretty.

The best of all is that I have almost done all the urgent things I had. Now, I will be able to go back to a normal life again.

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