26 April 2009


This year is, as I guess you have seen advertised in many places, the International Year of Astronomy. For that reason, professors and students of Shida held several activities to promote Astronomy in Taichung this weekend: some talks, observations with telescopes, etc. They have been working at it during months and they asked me if I wanted to give a talk to high-school teachers, similar to the one I gave here last year. Yes, of course, I said.

The problem was that, first, my observations were scheduled for this weekend and, later, my talk in Tsing Hua was also delayed to last Friday. Everything at the same time!. At first, recklessly, I thought that I could manage to do it all, provided that I could get some sleep in the buses; but they convinced me not to do it, because I would end up very tired, and the audience was changed to primary school teachers, for whom English can be an additional major problem. In short, I stayed in Taipei, maybe well rested, but I feel bad for them. I hope that they had better weather down there than we had here, because it has been cloudy and/or raining the whole weekend.

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