25 June 2009


Saint John's Eve. Night festival for some, with firecrackers and rockets. For us two, Tesla at Razzmatazz. I had seen them before when I was in America, and we witnessed another great gig last Tuesday. This time, in company of my brother. We have been listening to their songs for years; very emotional.

I know what I will be listening to in the near future.

23 June 2009

Back in old Europe

A long flight, not uncomfortable, and fairly uneventful —apart from a rollercoaster-like fall due to turbulence in the first leg of the trip that left most of us breathless. Upon arrival, worrying health news in the family that, fortunately, seem to have turned to nothing today after the cause has been found. And at the same time, great joy seeing the two babies, grown up and doing their stuff. There are some smiles, toothless still, that really wash away all the worries in the world. All together a day of reunion with my brothers, around some tables, as it should be.

One day in Barcelona already; one day back in Europe and I am not used to seeing so many westerners in the street yet. My first impression, in the plane or here already, was not too positive. Cultural shock?, it could be. I am too used maybe to being in Taiwan. It has a gentler side. It was called Formosa for a reason. And it is for a reason that I am missing a little beautiful thing too.

First day, then, and I have already done some work. Happy about that , too.

16 June 2009


Most of the visitors that we had around here since more than a week ago have left today. Due to an international conference that took place in Taipei, organized by the ASIAA, a lot of people from Barcelona landed in Taiwan two weekends ago. I do not know why so many came, but I took them around the city a few days, because as a local I know more how this is.

But then, between doing a little sightseeing on the weekend, attending the talks in the morning and the afternoon during all week, meeting people to go for dinner and, maybe, having a beer afterwards, my life has been too chaotic for several days. So much that I forgot to update this blog or I was too tired to write anything late at night (or in the middle of a talk).

As I was saying, all have left today, except a student with whom I will try to do some work during these three days that we have left. Maybe I can still go back to the good old times. But I am not complaining. I got something from the talks and the following discussions; and the long conversations with some of my collaborators have given us some new ideas to try and a more accurate planning on the (lots of) work that we must do in the next two or three months.

Back to the right track, then.

05 June 2009


And one day you wake up.

And you know what you must do.

Look for the CD where you stored the files. Copy them to the laptop. Load the song into the player

... and wait for the guitar to play the first accords


The sparkle in your eyes
Keeps me alive

She Sells Sanctuary

(Wolf child dixit)