Most of the visitors that we had around here since more than a week ago have left today. Due to an international conference that took place in Taipei, organized by the ASIAA, a lot of people from Barcelona landed in Taiwan two weekends ago. I do not know why so many came, but I took them around the city a few days, because as a
local I know more how this is.

But then, between doing a little sightseeing on the weekend, attending the talks in the morning and the afternoon during all week, meeting people to go for dinner and, maybe, having a beer afterwards, my life has been too chaotic for several days. So much that I forgot to update this blog or I was too tired to write anything late at night (or in the middle of a talk).
As I was saying, all have left today, except a student with whom I will try to do some work during these three days that we have left. Maybe I can still go back to the
good old times. But I am not complaining. I got something from the talks and the following discussions; and the long conversations with some of my collaborators have given us some new ideas to try and a more accurate planning on the (lots of) work that we must do in the next two or three months.
Back to the right track, then.