Have you ever wondered why do you follow a certain route on your way from home to work, or anywhere else? —particularly if you walk, because it is not so easy to try when using other means of transportation.
That is a question I have asked myself again since I am in Taipei and I walk from my apartment to my office in the Shida campus in the mornig (or to the ASIAA). What a silly thing, isn't it?, but I think I have changed my preferential route three times in these few months. Why?. A mix of looking for the shortest distance; finding one with less traffic and, consequently, safer and not so noisy; or just because I needed some change. It reminds me of my high-school days; how the initial route, maybe slightly more efficient, changed for more pleasant ones. It is not so easy to explain if you do not experience it.
Something similar happens here. During the first few months, I alternated between a shorter route, but with cars and scooters whizzing by at an inch from me, and another that followed Roosevelt Rd, very noisy. Until I found a narrow street that cuts across the middle, even shorter and very quiet. We will see how long it lasts, because one needs some variety in life.
2 days ago
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